March 12, 2025

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Why Can’t I Add Money To My Paypal Account?

Why Can't I Add Money To My Paypal Account?

Paypal is an excellent tool for online shopping. You can use it to get items you want in a matter of seconds without worrying about any financial details. However, Paypal only works when you add money from your bank account or credit card directly into your Paypal account, verified paypal account for sale. This can be frustrating because sometimes you need that extra cash for something important—like buying groceries or paying off bills!


Paypal is an excellent tool for online shopping. You can use it to get items you want in a matter of seconds without worrying about any financial details. However, Paypal only works when you add money from your bank account or credit card directly into your Paypal account, verified paypal account for sale. This can be frustrating because sometimes you need that extra cash for something important—like buying groceries or paying off bills!

It would help if you had a PIN.

You can only add money to your PayPal account if you have a PIN. The first thing to try is generating a new PIN in the settings section of your PayPal account. If that doesn’t work, you can call Paypal customer service, and they will help generate one.

You need more money in your Paypal account.

If you are trying to add money to your Paypal account (verified paypal account for sale), but it is not possible, a few things may be causing this issue. You might need more money in your account. To add funds, log into your Paypal account and click “Add Money.” Select the option to transfer funds from your bank account or use a credit or debit card. If you want to share the money from another Paypal user’s account instead of adding it yourself, try contacting them directly, as they may be able to send you some cash through their accounts.

You can’t use another PayPal user’s balance when making payments; however, if they send you funds via PayPal balance transfer, these will appear in your new balance instantly once they’re received by our system (depending on which country we’re processing).

You’re overpaying or spreading money out between multiple transactions.

You can’t add money to your Paypal account (verified paypal account for sale) if you are overpaying or spreading money between multiple transactions.

If you try to add more than what’s in your bank account, it will be rejected by the system and not go through. You can also get this error message if you try adding money from two different versions simultaneously (even if those accounts have available funds).

This is because Paypal has a daily limit on how much they let their users spend each day, which varies based on their risk level but is generally around $300 USD or £250 GBP per day (per account). If they see that someone is trying to make multiple payments before hitting this limit, they will reject all of them—and then any future ones made within 24 hours—to prevent fraudsters from trying to cheat them out of hundreds or thousands of dollars using this technique.

You’re using a public computer.

Only add money to your Paypal account using a public computer. If you’re unsure whether you can use the computer before you do, keep reading!

Sometimes, Paypal will block access when a user tries to log in from an unfamiliar IP address or location. You can check this by looking at the entire URL in your browser’s address bar after typing “” If it ends with “.ecceropolis” (like mine does), then chances are that someone else has already logged into their account on this machine and set up some restrictions for personal security purposes.

If this is what happened to you, then no worries! It just means that someone else has already logged into their account from here before and set up some security measures that prevent others from accessing theirs (and vice versa).

You’re using an unsupported browser.

You’re using an unsupported browser.

PayPal doesn’t work with Internet Explorer 9, 10, or 11. It also doesn’t work on Microsoft Edge (the browser with Windows 10). If you’re using one of these browsers, you won’t be able to log into your PayPal account or pay for anything using PayPal until you update your computer’s browser to a more recent version (such as IE12).

You don’t have the latest version of Paypal in the browser you’re using.

You need to update your browser.

Most modern browsers automatically check for updates and prompt you when there is a new version available, but if you don’t see that option or if your browser won’t update, try these steps:

  • Open your Chrome app and click the three dots in the upper right-hand corner of the window. Scroll down to “About Chrome” and click on it. You should see what version of Google Chrome you are running at this point (if not, download it from Also note whether it says Stable (the most stable), Beta (for early adopters), Dev (for developers), or Canary (for everyone). If you’re using any other version than Stable or Beta, then follow these instructions:
  • Close all open tabs in Google Chrome except one where you can view https://www.*paypal*.com/. Once only this last tab is open and visible, press Ctrl+Shift+J on Windows PCs or Cmd+Opt+J on Macs to open Developer Tools if they aren’t already available from previous use; otherwise, go ahead and do it anyway so we can get started troubleshooting! You should now see notifications at the top left corner saying, “You are still using the xxx build,” followed by an asterisk (*) representing whichever build number corresponds with what was shown above that message in Developer tools under Info tab > Version heading.

You signed up with your email address, which was already used.

If you signed up with an email address that was already used before, you can’t use it again. If this is the case, we recommend you sign up with a different email address or contact Paypal to get help.

You can also sign up with a different browser if that does not work for you.


If you can’t add money to your PayPal account (verified paypal account for sale), there might be a few things to check. The most common reason for this issue is that your Paypal balance isn’t high enough for the amount of money you need to send. But if it still doesn’t work after trying all these suggestions, contact customer service, and they’ll help you with any other issues!