September 8, 2024

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Can You Ride a Hoverboard on the Street or Sidewalk?

official hoverboards for kids

With e-boards, you are currently not allowed to drive in public places, on the street, or on sidewalks in this country. A similar ban also applies in Great Britain. This is because e-boards are motorized and go faster than 6 km/h. They are therefore considered motor vehicles and a motor vehicle require a license in the UK, which has not yet been issued.

With e-boards, you are currently not allowed to drive in public places, on the street, or on sidewalks in this country. A similar ban also applies in Great Britain. This is because e-boards are motorized and go faster than 6 km/h. They are therefore considered motor vehicles and a motor vehicle require a license in the UK, which has not yet been issued.

Ignoring this ban can result in fines of up to £50. The police can confiscate the device. In the worst case, you may lose your driver’s license.

The Battery Problem in Hoverboards for Children

At this point, we would like to shed more light on the battery problem of the Hoverboards for Children and explain in more detail how the batteries can even ignite or even explode. All charging electronics depend on feedback from the battery. In concrete terms, this means that the electronics measure certain values ​​on the battery, such as charging current or voltage and use this to decide whether the battery is already fully charged or not.

In the case of defective batteries, these values ​​can deviate significantly. For example, it may that the battery already full, but the values ​​indicate that it still needs to charge. Simple control electronics would misinterpret these values ​​and continue charging the battery “bluntly”.

More sophisticated electronics, on the other hand, have certain safety mechanisms that recognize a defective battery and interrupt the charging process. These can be very simple plausibility checks.

The cheaper Hoverboards for Children usually only have simple charging electronics installed. These continue to charge the battery even though it is already full, which leads to overcharging and, in the worst case, to the battery igniting or exploding.

Where can you ride a kids Segways UK?

Currently, you can drive on all smooth surfaces such as asphalt or even smooth cobblestones with the kids Segways UK. They are not suitable for coarser or unpaved surfaces such as forest soil, sand or cobblestones. This is due to the small diameter of the wheels, which can only overcome small obstacles accordingly. A lowered curb can already become an obstacle. Also, see the following video. Small bumps, edges or branches are not a problem.

Hoverboards for Kids| Why a test?

There are many different manufacturers and even more different models. The fact that many replicas made in the UK and de facto and the same Hoverboards for Kids, but sold in this country with different names, does not make it any easier. You can quickly lose perspective.

A hoverboard test helps here, which presents the different properties of the kids Segways UK in a uniform way and makes the boards comparable. In our hoverboard test, we judge the boards according to uniform criteria. We also highlight the specific pros and cons of each scooter so you can judge if a board will suit your unique needs.

We will also tell you what possible risks associate with a board if any. Only recently have Hoverboards for Kids come into focus because their batteries ignited or even exploded due to overcharging. If there is such a risk, we will of course mention it in our test