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Do’s and Don’ts in Taking Care of the Washing Machine

Washing Machine Repair Dubai

You may have been using the same washing machine since your first year of marriage, but never cleaned it. You would think that as long as he does your laundry, everything will be fine. You might think it’s better to stick with your old washing machine than spend money on something new and fancy. However, you may not know or realize that your washing machine is telling you that it needs more attention. Those small, slightly odd noises you’ve been trying so hard to ignore may not just be noises, but a manifestation of a bigger problem.

You may have been using the same washing machine since your first year of marriage, but never cleaned it. You would think that as long as he does your laundry, everything will be fine. You might think it’s better to stick with your old washing machine than spend money on something new and fancy. However, you may not know or realize that your washing machine is telling you that it needs more attention. Those small, slightly odd noises you’ve been trying so hard to ignore may not just be noises, but a manifestation of a bigger problem.

Remember that appliances are not built to last forever, and washing machines are one of them. In case your washing machine not working hire a professional Washing Machine Repair Dubai. Yes, it will wear out sooner or later, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take care of your washing machine. They serve you and wash all your clothes, even your very dirty clothes, without complaint, so it’s only right that you return the favor. How will you take care of him? Here are some basic dos and don’ts.

Clean all parts of the washing machine

You may think you are too lazy to do this, but let’s be honest, who would be diligent enough to always clean the parts of their washing machine? It can be tiring, but we have to do it. When using the washing machine, take a good look at it. You may notice that the water pressure has weakened, certainly not as strong as when you first bought it.

This should not be ignored because low water pressure not only wastes your time and energy but also increases your water bill. However, most of the time you don’t need to go to a repairman to fix this problem; simply locate and clean the dirty, clogged filter. To find it, remove the cold water hose and place something under it to catch the water. Then, using tweezers, remove the filter from the hole where you disconnected the hose. Wash it with water until it runs clear and then put it back. Then put the hose back on. You will see that the water pressure has returned to normal.

Do not overload the washing machine

Some may think that loading a load of laundry into the washing machine will save time and energy by limiting the amount of laundry to be washed. While this is the right thing to do, keep in mind that if the amount of clothes you put in the tub exceeds its normal capacity, there can be unpleasant consequences.

Overloading scrubbers will throw off their natural rhythm. It will be unbalanced and therefore you will not be able to wash your clothes properly and completely on the next laundry day. Also, here are some additional tips. Wash shirts and other delicate items separately from heavier items such as pants. And when washing shirts, make two separate batches of white shirts and colored shirts.

Drain the water after each wash

Drain the water from the sink after each use. Leaving even the smallest amount of water or moisture inside the washing machine will create a musty, musty smell. (Why does my washing machine smell a little musty these days?) Moisture will also lead to mold, mildew and other unsightly things you don’t want on your clothes.

To avoid fungal odors, mold and mildew on clothes, leave the washing machine door open after use. let it dry. Top loaders are easier to drain because they have a drain hose on the bottom, and front loaders with a drain hose on the side are more difficult. Wipe the entire tub with a dry cloth to make sure no moisture remains inside.

Do not pour any chemicals on the washing machine

What may seem like a common occurrence can actually be one of the reasons that shortens the life of your washing machine. The chemicals in detergents and fabric conditioners may seem harmless and quite useful, but what most people don’t know is that they contain corrosive compounds that are known to destroy appliances, including your washing machine.

It’s inevitable that they will spill when washing, so you should always have a rag ready. Whenever chemicals are spilled on the washing machine, wipe it immediately with a cloth. Before you ruin your expensive washing machine, clean it. You can save a bundle by repairing your washing machine bearings yourself, or you can leave it to a professional, the choice is yours. we offer to visit Washing Machine Repair Abu Dhabi