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Reasons to choose the top CBSE schools in Pune

All around India, including high schools in Pune, parents are choosing CBSE boards with increasing frequency. The Indian government made the decision to equalise education for all students in the 1960s and to set standards for that education since, only a decade after independence, things were chaotic and very random. Thus, with only about 300 institutions nationwide, it established the Central Board of Secondary Education. In the new millennium, our nation has more than 18,000 CBSE schools, some of which are superior to the others.

All around India, including high schools in Pune, parents are choosing CBSE boards with increasing frequency. The Indian government made the decision to equalise education for all students in the 1960s and to set standards for that education since, only a decade after independence, things were chaotic and very random. Thus, with only about 300 institutions nationwide, it established the Central Board of Secondary Education. In the new millennium, our nation has more than 18,000 CBSE schools, some of which are superior to the others.

What is the cause of this exponential expansion?


Many CBSE schools were established, mostly to serve the needs of central government personnel. As a result of their frequent job transfers and more mobile jobs, CBSE supported the education of their kids. They later achieved great success since the education was effective and the students did much better than their counterparts at State Boards schools in competitive exams like the UPSC and NEET. Some international schools employ IIT graduates to help high school students prepare for exams like JEE and NEET.

Differences between other schools and CBSE


  • Students at CBSE high schools in Pune typically perform better in their particular topics because they have a deeper understanding of them. CBSE schools prioritise teaching the concept over imparting pointless information. Children do not need to know the date of Marie Curie’s birth, for instance. They only need to comprehend the radiation she found. Students in CBSE schools are better educated than those in state board schools since they lean toward a curriculum that prioritises the latter. The removal of superfluous information makes CBSE textbooks thinner but more illuminating for this reason.
  • A CBSE school is also unique in that its curriculum is consistent throughout all states. If a student in Mumbai unexpectedly needs to transfer to a school in Pune due to a parent’s relocation, they will be able to immediately continue up where they left off.
  • You don’t need to be concerned that your child will miss out on the benefits of an ICSE education because schools like Global Indian International School offer a hybrid ICSE/CBSE curriculum with a global perspective.
  • The marking method in CBSE schools is difficult in comparison to State Board schools. It would be challenging for a child to complete a CBSE question paper with a score of 100 in physics. This is a result of the exams being examined in a controlled manner. Although a child may receive better grades in a State Board, the quality of the education is far more important, and State Board schools have not yet attained that level of rigour. 
  • The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) syllabus serves as the foundation for questions on high-level competitive exams like UPSC and entrance exams like JEE and NEET. This is the key factor that influences the number of IAS and IPS officials that attended CBSE.
  • Lessons will be more application-based, and understanding the material will need students to utilise a lot of logical reasoning. It naturally prompts children to look outside their textbooks for further books on a subject, transforming them into go-getters and cultivating an assertive mentality that boosts their self-confidence.
  • Admission tests are infamously renowned for being challenging. But that is the incorrect viewpoint. Because the questions are based on a student’s understanding of a concept rather than how well they have memorised it, it appears to be more difficult. In the long run, students from CBSE would have an advantage over students from their respective State boards in terms of admission to IIT or AIIMS.

How is CBSE preferable?


  • Many enjoyable exercises are provided in between chapters of CBSE textbooks to keep students interested in the studies. Instead of being terrified of reading, kids who are exposed to this type of student-friendly literature learn to love it. Subject kits are available in schools, like Global Indian International School, to assist students comprehend the material more practically and remember it longer.
  • Because children can answer any type of question because they have absorbed the topics from their studies, very few kids fail CBSE exams. When taking CBSE exams, students write their answers in their own words, demonstrating to the examiners that they understand the topic, which will please the majority of teachers who grade the papers. In state board schools, students typically memorise information and write it word for word.
  • In CBSE, emphasis is placed on the children’s physical and mental health. Sports participation is encouraged for students in the same way that academic success is. Additionally, the child’s actual physical development and health are kept track of. Each child’s health is continuously monitored by a staff of nutritionists and dietitians at Global Indian International School, who also regularly examine each child’s health and create individualised programmes for improvement.
  • Another justification for choosing Top CBSE schools in Pune for your child is flexibility. 

Last words 

In comparison to State Board schools, CBSE schools in Pune provide lots of scholarships to support students’ studies and inspire other kids to succeed. Children will find it easier to concentrate on CBSE because it has a smaller syllabus than State Board or ICSE.

The majority of CBSE school teachers were themselves CBSE students, thus they would be familiar with the curriculum, have a long-term perspective on their objectives, and expect students to work in accordance with it.