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Latin America Automotive Fabric Market Size, Share, Report 2023-2028

Latin America Automotive Fabric Market

El nuevo estudio de Informes de Expertos titulado ‘Mercado Latinoamericano de Tela Automotriz, Informe y Pronóstico 2023-2028′, presenta una amplia revisión de los factores que reflejan positivamente el panorama del mercado y explora los aspectos en términos de tipo de tejido, aplicación, tipo de vehículo y las regiones clave. El informe también explora las restricciones y los retos del mercado, basándose en los modelos de las cinco fuerzas de Porter, junto con un análisis FODA. Además, se evalúa el mercado en términos de tendencias pasadas y futuras y su influencia posterior en el algoritmo. El estudio incluye una investigación exhaustiva, que abarca indicadores de precios y agentes del mercado, ilustrando las repercusiones en la dinámica y las perspectivas del mercado.

The new report by Informes de Expertos titled, ‘Latin America Automotive Fabrics Market 2023-2028’ , presents an extensive review of the factors positively reflecting the market landscape and explores the aspects in terms of fabric type, application, vehicle type, and the key regions. The report also explores market restraints and market challenges, based on Porter’s five forces models, together with a SWOT analysis. In addition, the market is assessed in terms of past and future trends and their subsequent influence on the algorithm. The study involves a thorough research, spanning price indicators and market actors, illustrating the impacts on the market dynamics and outlook.

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Los aspectos más destacados del informe son:

Visión General del Mercado (2018-2028)

• CAGR del Periodo de Pronóstico (2023-2028): 4,15%

El sector del transporte es el principal impulsor de la demanda de tejidos para automoción. Los tejidos para automóviles añaden a sus cualidades fundamentales ayudando a aligerar la carga del vehículo. Además, ofrecen confort y mejoran el aspecto y la seguridad del vehículo. Estas características ventajosas están promoviendo la expansión de la industria. La capacidad de resistir temperaturas rigurosas, repeler los rayos UV y ser fáciles de limpiar son sólo algunas de las características de alto rendimiento que intervienen en la fabricación de estos tejidos, lo que está contribuyendo a aumentar la demanda del producto, lo que refuerza aún más la demanda del producto, con un valor de USD 2920 en 2021.

Los tejidos para automóviles se utilizan con frecuencia en el transporte comercial y público, incluidos trenes, autobuses y aviones, cuyos interiores deben ser estéticamente más bellos y confortables. Esto contribuye aún más a la expansión del mercado. La industria se está expandiendo más rápidamente gracias a los avances tecnológicos que permiten producir materiales textiles ligeros y ecológicos que reducen la contaminación. La industria textil del automóvil también se está expandiendo a medida que se hacen más y más esfuerzos para garantizar que se utilicen materiales sostenibles derivados de fuentes renovables en los interiores de los vehículos.

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Industry Definition and Major Segments

Automotive fabric is a soft, lightweight, elastic non-woven, woven, knitted, or composite fabric. Because of their high-performance characteristics, these fabrics are utilised in vehicles including cars, buses, trains, aeroplanes, and others. Their capacity to tolerate extreme temperatures, their cleaning capabilities and their durability makes these fabrics are the perfect option for automobile upholstery and the inside of the vehicles, including the dashboard, seat belts, and vehicle carpets.

By type of fabric, the market is divided into:

• Polyester
• Vinyl
• Leather
• Nylon
• Others

On the basis of the application, the market is categorised as follows:

• Carpets/Floor Coverings
• Upholstery
• Pre-Assembled Interior Components
• Tyres
• Safety Belts
• Airbags
• Others

The market is divided according to the type of vehicle into:

• Passenger Vehicle
• Commercial Vehicle

Key regions covered include:

• Brazil
• Argentina
• Mexico
• Others

Market Trends

Recycled polyethylene terephthalate (RPET), a type of recycled polyester derived from recycled plastic, is steadily growing in popularity as a material alternative. Furthermore, it is helping the automotive fabric market to flourish during the forecast period. Automotive fabrics are in high demand for use in airbags and safety belts and are projected to continue to support market growth thanks to the safety measures taken by governments around the Latin American region.

Additionally, the market is anticipated to develop due to the rising demand for environmentally friendly fabric materials such recycled polyester and lightweight automobile fabrics. Burgeoning sales of personal vehicles are anticipated to increase, despite the recession dur to the COVID-19 pandemic, due to the increased awareness regrading health and hygiene among consumers and their growing aversion to using public transportation.

Key Market Players

The major players in the market are:

• Grupo Antolin Irausa S.A.
• Acme Mills Company
• Heathcoat Fabrics Limited
• Seiren Co., Ltd
• Lear Corporation
• Others

This report covers their profiles and provides information on expansions, investments and mergers and acquisitions, among other latest industry developments.

About Us:

Informes de Expertos, the Spanish variant of Expert Market Research, is a platform that offers market research and consultancy services to a broad clientele base across Spanish speaking countries. With our primary focus on the Latin America and Spain markets, our research experts provide relevant and actionable insights into the markets and track major trends, economic developments, and global trade data.

Determined to bring client satisfaction, we make sure that our tailored approach meets the client’s unique market intelligence requirements. Our syndicated and customized research reports cover a wide spectrum of industries ranging from pharmaceuticals and food and beverage to packaging, logistics, and transportation.

Media Contact

Company Name: Informes De Expertos
Contact Person: Irene Garcia, Corporate Sales Specialist – U.S.A.
Toll Free Number: +1 (818) 319-4060
Address: 30 North Gould Street, Sheridan, WY 82801, USA
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