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Top Education Barriers Faced by Immigrant Students In USA


The USA is not famous for its grand canyon, Walt Disney, or Statue of Liberty; it is also a trendy destination among students to seek higher education – Harvard University, Stanford University, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, to name a few. If studies are to be believed, more than 710,000 students enrolled in colleges and universities across the USA in the 2021 academic session.

The USA is not famous for its grand canyon, Walt Disney, or Statue of Liberty; it is also a trendy destination among students to seek higher education – Harvard University, Stanford University, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, to name a few. If studies are to be believed, more than 710,000 students enrolled in colleges and universities across the USA in the 2021 academic session.

However, international students visiting from different parts of the globe to first-world nations like the USA are observed to face multiple barriers. Thus, they can be seen to seek assignment help and advice to overcome other issues.

Thankfully, these problems are not insurmountable. Speaking to many immigrant students and the experts who counsel international students, I have learned the common problem of international students and their solutions to overcome them. International students residing in the USA and students who want to visit the country for academic purposes may find it helpful.

Common Obstacles Faced By Students

Usually, when students land in first-world countries like the USA, they come across the following issues:

  • Language Barriers

Some common language barriers.

  • Inability To Engage In Conversations

Many students hail from countries where people speak English for official purposes but only in some places. Students don’t chat with their friends in English, nor do they talk to strangers in English while on their commute. Therefore, when professors lecture at a fast pace or classmates share jokes in the US English dialect, the international students struggle to understand what they mean and thus fail to engage in the conversation.

  • Hesitancy to Seek Clarification

The USA is foreign to international students. They need to become more familiar with the way professors or classmates react. Therefore, when they need paper help on any subject, they hesitate to ask for assistance for fear of offending others or insecurity. They feel that their classmates will view their lack of understanding of the subject negatively or may get negative responses against the explanation. It lowers their self-esteem.

  • Academic Challenges

Apart from the language barriers, students also face many academic challenges. The most common ones are:

  • Inability to build assignments

Many international students hail from countries where the academic system stresses the students’ memorization skills rather than their ability to interpret facts. Therefore, when these students land in a different educational system, they contact online experts who can offer coursework help. It is because they are not familiar with the research methods and writing academic papers or the format followed at the specific university of the USA.

  • Difficulties with following academic format

Students at the disadvantage of speaking spontaneous English need help participating in classroom discussions. Lectures at any university in the USA include the point of view of various students. Students can score top grades in the university and debate professors’ opinions with valid facts. It is quite contrary to the academic system of other nations, where an answer will only be considered correct if it aligns with the professor’s point of view.

Moreover, final exams get the highest preference to score grades based on the academic modules taught in the session. The US education system prioritizes year-round academic education over a semester or yearend assessment.

Therefore, more students in the USA, irrespective of nationality, are observed to seek programming assignment help from seniors or experts if they pursue higher education with programming or English assignment help if they take up English for their college or university education. Some immigrant students are also observed to need help in taking class notes or giving verbal presentations.

  • Social and Cultural Differences

American cultures are quite different from the developing and underdeveloped countries of the globe. They are more open to inter-gender interaction, which might shock students from other nationalities where social and cultural exchange between various genders is quite limited. For example, a girl might feel awkward seeking homework help from a boy in the senior class. Here are a few other difficulties students from international colleges come across:

  • Social Isolation

Social isolation is one of the significant problems for international students. It is because:

  • Intercontinental students miss family, like all students, but can only return to their nation twice a year. The stark difference in time zones makes it difficult for them to call home when they feel convenient.
  • Students arrive with fewer belongings – a maximum of two suitcases. Thus they need more personal space. As a result, these students mostly spend their time outside their American residence and interact less with roommates; they mostly spend time in co-curricular activities like sports.
  • The US academic system does not acknowledge holidays of the culture followed by many international students. Therefore, the social, religious, and cultural traditions these immigrant students observe might contrast with those celebrated in the USA. Therefore, these students will gravitate towards those who hail from their communities which are small compared to American society.

For these reasons, students may refrain from social interaction.

  • Culture Shock

Many students are not geared up for society on American college campuses, such as co-education dormitories, informal relationships with “powerful personalities” like professors or college authorities, and dissimilarity in food and drinks in social settings and social events. The frankness around sexuality, sexual orientation, and gender identity can be embarrassing if from a background where these mannerisms and individuality are tabooed. Moreover, the American culture of not being seated at meals is often considered rude in many other cultures.

  • Discrimination

Any people who are different from most people living in a nation are frowned upon in any country. America is no different. Therefore students from other nations and ethnic backgrounds become a victim of discrimination. Here are some of the prejudices that they face.

  • Racial and Ethnic Prejudice

Migratory students can be supposed interlopers, and they undergo feeling marginalized in lectures and social settings. Those who fail to speak fluently in English or have distinct accents are often treated as if they are academically challenged. For example, people with markings or wearing a headdress for their religious or ethnic group are often prejudiced.

  • Stereotyping

International students are often misjudged and become a theme of false assumptions about their native culture. The American education system does not allow its students to explore cultures of other nations apart from what is contained in history or social studies academic modules. American teens are unfamiliar with the cultures of many countries or are only acquainted with the stereotypical historical contexts. In addition, there are many convolutions among cultural minorities and ill-treated groups and cross-border tension between nations that are not accessible to students.

  • Financial Difficulties

The USA has the 16th highest cost of living. Therefore, students who come to study in this country from many Asian, African, and European countries may need more money to maintain an average standard of living. Besides that, the other financial difficulties students go through are:

  • Getting Loans and Jobs

An individual must have a credit history in the USA or Social Security number to get a credit card or student loan sanctioned. Moreover, the US student visa only approves employment in an organization in the country if co-sponsored by the academic institution a student is enrolled in.

  • Pressure to Achieve

The high tuition and boarding fees put pressure on the students who visit the country to add degrees to their academic portfolios. They feel burdened to choose the educational programs that offer lucrative jobs and provide scope for employment in their home country. Thus, they must explore various career options and choose one they like. Plus, the high cost puts pressure on them to excel in academics, which lowers their motivation to study.

How Can International Students Help Themselves?

International students can help themselves to overcome these difficulties in several ways. Some of the most prominent ones are:

  • Access College Resources

Many agencies in and out of the academic institution can help immigrant students pilot the educational system. Consultants can monitor students in mental health programs, amenity-learning, and work-study. International student societies can also support in adapting to college culture.

  • Talk With Other International Students

Talking about experiences, functioning through problems, and debating solutions with other immigrant students can be supportive and therapeutic. In addition, many cities across the US have several cooperative societies for guests and residents from a specific country that conducts get-togethers for its nationals.

  • Use Host Families

Many universities have host families arranged according to their native nations, or pass-outs from those countries work as informal mentors.

To sum up,

Being an international student studying in the USA may sound fancy, but the reality is full of struggles. However, it is not a good idea to leave an academic program midway and get back home. Instead, finding ways to overcome the roadblocks is the best. Talk to class or roommates from your home nation, and don’t shy away from discussing the issues; roads will naturally open up.

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